The Cubberly Education Library is on the second floor of the School of Education building, by the clock tower on Stanford campus. It is an airy and spacious place that feels welcoming without the turnstiles and ID-checking of many other campus libraries. The library's grandeur matches the style of the old building. Portraits of the first dean of the school, Ellwood Patterson Cubberly, and his wife, former deans and important contributors to education frame the high walls.
The library provides information services to the School of Education at Stanford and covers a wide range of topics in the social sciences and education. It also encourages visitors from the field of education, and especially area educators, to come and use the resources on-site. Borrowing privileges can be purchased at the Cecil H. Green Library privileges desk on campus.
Educational resources of Cubberly include: handbooks, databases, encyclopedias, case studies, curricula, kits, data sets, government publications, journals, tests, dissertations, websites, children's books, catalogs and style manuals.