Since its creation, we have handled reproduction of documents in thousands of cases, involving both criminal and civil litigation. For over a decade, we have established a vast reliable network of copy service teams operating mainly in Los Angeles, California. We have worked with some of the biggest Law Firms in the nation and other reputable Legal Reprographics and Document Imaging companies, providing reproduction service for corporate litigation, divorce cases, insurance claims, environmental research and just about anything that requires our services. Our company's strength is rooted in our reliability, experience, honesty, commitment and professionalism. Our marketing strategy is base on our reputation of integrity we have established in the industry. Our growth was attributed mainly by the word-of-mouth advertising confidently with that very satisfied customer we have worked with.
Our business deals with on-site document scanning and document reproduction for litigation purposes. Our field experience in document reproduction includes working side-by-side with paralegals, lawyers, researchers and investigators involved in the litigation process in both private and governmental agencies. We specialize in: - On-site Document Copying & Scanning - Document Conversion to Electronic Images (i.e. TIFF, PDF, OCR or Final Media) - Large Document Production - Document Bates Labeling & Numbering - Document Hardcopies / Blowbacks (Print Out) - Oversize Document Copying - Archival Our prices are competitive with no hidden charges. We will respond to your document reproduction needs in a manner that is timely, cost effective and of the highest quality, whether copying a single page across the street from your office building or hundreds/thousands/million of pages in different locations anywhere in the city, state, or country.