Lindsey Loon founded this festival in Melbourne Australia before bringing it to the United States. Celebrating a prolific and collaborative filmmaking community in Melbourne, Lindsey wanted to create a hub that encourages and celebrates a collaborative filmmaker's environment-- experienced multi-award-winning filmmakers and keen newbies working together on fantastic work. Founded in a pub, screening in an art space, Connect showcases the best short work of any date, encouraging all film-makers in every stage of the project to be in attendance. In addition to Directors, Producers, Actors, Connect encourages writers, editors, soundies, cinematographers, to come and find work and inspiration for their next project.
A filmmaker-focused creative hub in Australia and the USA, Connect is an IMDb listed short film festival and screening series that encourages cast and crew mingling, and promotes creative collaborations. International submissions require video introductions to screen. From multi-award winning films to premieres, Connect welcomes the best short work that represents active collaborative filmmakers. With multiple locations, Connect encourages local film communities to come together at events, and more distant collaborative filmmakers to connect through video introductions. Founded by actor and photographer Lindsey Loon, Connect strives to celebrate creativity on both sides of the lens, and encourage new work. Awards focus on achievement on both sides of the lens: cinematography, sound, post-production, as well as acting, directing, and genre films. Special awards also highlight female achievement in film, with a Bechdel award for storytelling, and awards celebrating technical and artistic excellence in filmmaking.