Conexiones has been focused for over a decade on researching the question: What is needed to create a joyful, peaceful and sustainable society for all? A large part of the answer lies in the education of our children, peaceful families, and healthy communities. Thus, Conexiones offers a palette of eco-cultural programs and experiences for children and families that aim to connect them to nature, each other and themselves, while also teaching real-life skills needed to live harmoniously in an increasingly globalized world - such as multilingualism, Earth stewardship, a global worldview, creative expression, leadership, cooperation, service, and non-violent communication
Conexiones Institute produces bilingual educational materials and trainings in its early childhood education curricula for babies through elementary school students. The Conexiones' curricula, which is great for nannies and day care providers includes Spanish through the Arts and Fun, Spanish Play Studios for babies and tots and Alphabet Adventures. Our unique approach also integrates: *Student-centered learning: engaging all intelligences, mixed-age groupings, experiential learning *Peace education: conflict resolution & democracy, communally created projects, service learning *Cultural themes: second language acquisition, creative expression, multimedia & technology, public art *Closeness to nature: ecological themes, sustainability values, outdoor education Please note that as of 2016, we no longer offer our programs directly to students and families but we do serve families that have a nanny that speaks Spanish and would like him/her trained in our approach so he/she provides intentional Spanish immersion to the children in a way that integrates the arts, play, and outdoor education.