Classic Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic is dedicated to truly effective acupuncture and herbal treatments, the way Chinese Medicine should be. Our areas of specialties include acupuncture, herbal formula and posture improvement. Our acupuncture treatment features instant results with pain alleviation of various acute injuries and chronic conditions. We are also successful in treating functional disorders such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, allergy, asthma, digestive disorders, immune disorders, infertility, etc. For herbal treatment we specialize in Classical Formulas, which are well known for their simplicity, effectiveness, and instant action, especially when working with complex, severe and difficult internal cases. A special interest has been with posture correction - especially for juvenile cases. Acupuncture and myofascial release techniques can help you stand taller and straighter, move lighter and feel much more at ease in your own skin. If you tried many other approaches and none worked well, come and see us.