I bought my Mission Valley San Diego chiropractic practice in 2006. Prior to that I had a special mentor and studied under him as well as NSA nervous system emotional energy healing work.
San Diego Chiropractor | Pain Management | Personal Injury Chiropractic | Auto Accident Treatment | Sports Chiropractic | And More Since 2006, our Mission Valley San Diego chiropractor, Dr. Charles Sanders at Dr. Charlie Chiro has offered effective chiropractic care and techniques. Dr. Charlie Chiro can help you. Our adjustments relieve pain, restore function, and help you regain your lost lifestyle without drugs or surgery. Dr. Charlie Chiro specializes in pain management for car accident injuries, herniated discs, common household injuries, and more. We can also help with spinal, joint, or muscular pain not related to an injury or accident. Please visit our chiropractic website for more details: www.drcharliechiro.com. We see patients that need help with: * Back pain * Neck pain * Shoulder pain * Knee pain * Elbow pain * Hip pain * Muscle stiffness/tightness * Headaches * Allergies * Sciatica * Fibromyalgia * Stress * Herniated discs * Car accident injuries * Personal injuries * Sports injuries * Sports enhancement * And more. Insurance Our chiropractic clinic participates with most insurance companies. Call us and we'll assist you in navigating your benefits: call 619-519-1501 Current Special: 1st Visit Special, Only $57 Includes: Exam, Orientation, and Adjustment This is a No-Brainer Deal. Why Choose Dr. Charlie Chiro in Mission Valley? Dr. Charlie offers a different approach to chiropractic.