Chinese Healing Arts and Acupunture infuses thousands of years of knowledge in Chinese medicine into an easy to understand and effective form of treatment to balance the body, mind and spirit. The primary goal of CHA Healing Arts and Acupuncture is to provide alternative holistic medicine for better health and well-being. In addition, CHA is committed to providing the best quality tea and herbs from the Orient that is unsurpassed! We specialize in Detoxification, Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture, Pain control (Migraine,Sciatica,Carpal tunnel Syndrome), Weight control, Stress related symptoms like Anxiety and Insomnia, Hormonal imbalance, Fertility, and Women's Health (Menstrual disorder, Menopause Syndrome). We provide Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxibustion, Gua-Sha, Electro Acupuncture, Custom Herbal Tonic, Premium grade Loose leaf Teas (Green Tea, Oo-Long Tea, Pu-Erh Tea, Weight Loss Tea).