Cesar Sanchez became motivated to start his career in the fitness industry as a result of working towards improving his own health. In learning how to address his own obesity and structural deficiencies, both of which brought him significant muscular pain and health problems, Cesar developed the knowledge, experience, and understanding necessary to become a personal trainer. As his career progressed, Cesar's passion for understanding the foundations of true wellness led him to studying and learning different functional movement and holistic practices with the purpose of cultivating health and biomechanical integration. Cesar's approach towards health and training is based on assessing and educating clients. By focusing on nutrition, proper breathing, and myofascial release, Cesar assists clients in stress and pain management to address environmental factors and bring their physical structure back to balance. In his approach to physical training, Cesar employs a variety of integrated
Cesar Sanchez is a Structural Performance Coach who specializes in stress and pain management as well as coaching clients using a very comprehensive holistic approach to move and feel great.