Dr. Carol Shwery has been a dedicated integrative health care practitioner for over 30 years, as well as a frequent speaker and teacher in her community on a wide variety of health concerns and natural health solutions.
She is a Doctor of Chiropractic, practicing non-force chiropractic, has certifications as a Clinical Nutritionist, First line Therapy practitioner, Menopause-Type Doctor, and taken hundreds of hours of post graduate study in Functional Medicine.
You know how you can struggle with pain, loss of energy, digestive problems, blood sugar and cardiovascular problems, hormone problems, brain fog, burn out, belly fat, mood swings and - you don’t want to feel this way?
You don’t have to anymore. Her passion is to empower people to overcome their challenges, get their health back, and achieve optimal health so they experience th ejoy and freedom of a life without limits. All with natural integrative healthcare.