Carmel Business Systems was created in order to fill a niche in the community for companies that required a manageable way to store records, data and other information.
Microfilm- Microfilm was the initial leap in the effort to permanently avoid loss of data and the conscience effort to reduce storage space. Microfilm remains the single most utilized alternative to paper storage, maintains a shelf-life in excess of 100 years and is universally accepted in courts of law. With its compact size, Microfilm can reduce storage requirements by 95% and once an image has been captured on Microfilm it cannot be modified or appended. Carmel's microfilm scanning equipment selectively, or globally, reproduces the desired documentation for access via electronic images. Digital Imaging- Carmel elects to produce scanned image files in a non-proprietary based format. We specialize in customizing our production model to accommodate the customers' existing operating system and methodology. We endeavor to understand how the workflow is being performed and duplicate it electronically. Our goal is to deliver a product that mirrors your existing system, just with