Engine repair, Trade associations
Automotive Service Councils CA
Often times, we hear the old adage, What has ASCCA Headquarters done for me lately?Well, your professional staff thought we would take this opportunity to review exactly what we are about and give you a behind the sceneslook at what services and resources we provide to you as a member of ASCCA. This is certainly not a complete list, but is a good representation of the things your ASCCA Staff does while working in partnership with the ASCCA Board of Directors on your behalf every day. The ASCCA Staff edits and publishes The California Independent, including coordination of all advertising, writing of articles, and promotional materials. This important and respected association publication is designed to keep you informed and educated about the latest industry trends, business tips and association benefits. The ASCCA Staff works very closely with your Board of Directors and committees including assisting the Board of Directors with the drafting of agendas and minutes for all meetings including the ASCCA Board of Directors, MBI Board and all committees including the Chapter Representatives Committee, Membership Committee, Endorsements Committee, Long Range Strategic Planning Committee, Government Affairs Committee, Education, Training and Information Committee, and Bylaws, Policies and Procedures Committee. We provide the board with research and data to assist them in making the policy decisions of the association while also acting as staff liaisons for each of your Committee Chairs assisting in coordination and achievement of objectives identified in the Long Range Strategic Plan. We are also responsible for the in-house coordination of all meetings including ; scheduling of meetings, hotel site selection, contract negotiation with hotels, and coordination of travel. We here at the ASCCA Headquarters are your eyes and ears at the State Capitol, and serve as your industry lobbyists. We work each and every day here in Sacramento on legislation and regulations impacting the automotive repair business that directly affect the way you do business in this state. Just a few of the issues we had to tackle in 2004 included the prop 64 to reform B&P code 17200 to prevent future lawsuits like the ones done by the Trevor Law Group, and we are participating in the sunset review process in order to try and reform the Bureau of Automotive Repair. All of these activities involve our attendance at meetings, work with coalition partners, coordination of communications, and, most importantly, releasing information to you our members. Industry representation before the State government is a significant function of the ASCCA Staff. Cost Saving Programs and Services The ASCCA Staff handles all aspects of ASCCA endorsed programs. This includes negotiating contracts and coordinating marketing efforts such as website, fax and email broadcasting, advertising in the Independent and/or in independent mailers. We also service member requests for more information and track member interest in programs so we can report back to the Endorsements Committee on the success of various marketing campaigns. We are also responsible for relaying prospects to vendors and obtaining reports from vendors so we can track actual participation. This work is ongoing and very important. The ASCCA Staff works hand in hand with the ASC Educational Foundation in coordinating the ASCCA Scholarship program. This work entails drafting the applications, sending them out to the public via different distribution mechanisms, handling all applications and evaluating them for completeness, sending applications to the Scholarship Committee and tabulating their individual votes, issuing the checks and disseminating them to the students, preparing press releases for the purposes of publicity, and preparing articles for the Independent and the website. We also assist in fundraising activities like coordination of the recent Diagnostic Dicecampaign. This is a great and infor