Bunasawa Kai Judo - Jukkendo is a renowned martial arts organization located in Costa Mesa, CA. Founded in 1972 by Nori Bunasawa, a highly accomplished judoka and the youngest grandmaster in California, the dojo offers top-notch training in judo, jiu-jitsu, MMA, and self-defense. With over 45 years of teaching experience, Sensei Bunasawa and his team of dedicated instructors provide a friendly and inclusive environment for students of all ages and skill levels to learn and develop their techniques with maximum efficiency.
Known as the best judo club in the Orange County area, Bunasawa Kai Judo - Jukkendo is highly recommended for its exceptional kids program and its welcoming approach to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu players seeking to enhance their stand-up judo game. Sensei Bunasawa's extensive knowledge, gained through his training with legendary figures such as Kimura and his own creation of Jukkendo, ensures that students receive unparalleled instruction in technique, strategy, and tournament coaching. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this dojo offers an unparalleled experience in the world of martial arts.
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