Dr. Brenda Malka Chiropractor Acupuncturist offers a unique therapy called Acupractic, which combines the most effective treatments for muscle and joint pain - Acupuncture and Chiropractic. Acupractic involves a variety of techniques such as Dry Needling acupuncture, Cupping, Myofascial Decompression, and Ultrasound, along with stretches, exercises, and Chinese formulas. This therapy is highly effective in treating conditions like Tension Headaches, Sciatica, Mouse Arm, Neck and Low Back pain.
Dr. Malka also specializes in Cellulite Treatments, using techniques that increase blood circulation, remove toxins, and reduce fluid in areas with cellulite. In addition, she offers Cosmetic Acupuncture as a healthy alternative to surgical facelifts, which reportedly celebrities like Lucy Liu, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Cher have been using to prevent wrinkles. With a focus on wellness and a commitment to providing natural alternatives, Dr. Brenda Malka is dedicated to helping patients find relief from pain and achieve optimal health.
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