The Boys & Girls Club of Anaheim is a non-profit after school program-based organization impacting the youth of Anaheim through activities, mentorship, and educational opportunities. Founded in 1989, the club established itself early on as a leader in youth development by providing quality programs and services to thousands of boys and girls in need of a safe and caring environment. The Club's Board of Directors is comprised of prominent members of the business community dedicated to youth development and beneficial outcomes. In 25 years, the Boys & Girls Club of Anaheim has never turned a child away, instead it's recognized the dire need for services and accepted all children interested, expanding as necessary to accommodate the growing need.
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Anaheim provides educational programs, homework assistance, parental counseling, transportation, and monthly food distributions. Most recently, the Boys & Girls Club of Anaheim looked to provide even greater essential services to its culturally diverse communities by expanding beyond the traditional Boys & Girls Clubs model to assist children and their families through nutrition-focused parenting classes, family counseling, and immigration assistance.