The most exciting experience is when I meet the families for the first time; each new family is a surprise for me, it is a pleasure to see the parents' faces of relief when they discuss their inquiries or concerns with me and I begin to tell them what the plan is. I can see their faces of happiness and tranquility, that for me is priceless, is what I love the most about this career; helping others feeling good, supporting others and growing together; this had made me creating a very special bond and a deep relationship with each one of the families I have worked with through all these years; my clients are not one-time clients, each family has a very special place in my heart, as well as they also consider me special as they continue referring me with their families and friends and even I return to work with them for a second and even third time with their next children
Are you starting your search for an experienced Postpartum/Newborn Care Specialist/Sleeping Consultant(aka Night Nurse) to guide and support you when you come home with your new baby? My extensive experience ranges from caring for full term babies, preemies, multiples, acid reflux and more. I support parents of newborns and toddlers with nighttime baby+mother care/umbilical cord/circumcision care, bottle feeding, diaper change, burping, swaddling, etc.