We're part of an innovative network of churches called Blue Ocean Faith, with flagship churches in New York, Cambridge, Ann Arbor, and Iowa City, along many. Blue Ocean began in Cambridge, Massachusetts as Dave and Grace Schmelzer--who are the pastors of this new congregation on the Westside--started a congregation in 1998, now called Reservoir Church, which became one of the largest in Greater Boston. Reservoir was known as one of the most vibrant churches in the area--with rich worship and experience of God's Spirit and a noteworthy community outreach that worked with a large portion of the city's school-aged children. But it was also known for connecting in a remarkable way with people who'd previously been nonchurchgoing. This unique spin on church--as being powerful and robust while also thriving in secular cities--drew enough interest that Dave began hosting annual summits around these ideas, and ultimately a new network of churches took shape.
Powerful inclusive faith for those who feel at home in secular settings.