Within my little glass gazebo you will take a step back in time offering TRUE vintage clothing, jewelry, gloves and accessories made when quality workmanship was as important as style, and when folks dressed appropriately for the occasion. As well, you'll find a lovely assortment of antique writing implements, inkwells, blown glass paperweights from around the world, vanity and pharmaceutical containers, antique toys, linens, perfumes and perfume bottles, books, cards, magazines ~ you just never know what you may find here. My store is one where your business is appreciated, and your company enjoyed always. Come in to reminisce about things you remember from your youth or those you have and cherish. If there is something you are looking for, let me know - my store may be tiny, but my storehouse is full of oldies but goodies. I hope you find your visit to Blue Moon Antiques to be pleasant, and that you leave smiling and with a desire to return!