Black Cat Wellness was started in January 2014. Kirsten had been working a job in visual effects for popular television show, and felt the toll working 20 hours a day, six days a week was taking on her body. She also realized that what she was promoting was sedentary lives for others and wanted to change that. Kirsten became a certified personal trainer to get people off the couch and actively participating in their lives. Black Cat has now expanded into monthly women's group, has a cookbook coming out at the end of Summer 2016, and a whole line of body products for men and women.
Black Cat Wellness takes customer service to the next level. If you are out and about and aren't sure what to eat, we can help you. Just send us a text, and we will get back to you promptly. Are you scared of personal trainers because you've seen the horrors of the drill sergeants on television? That's not what you get at Black Cat. Our trainers are kind, compassionate, and will push you to amazing results while having fun. Customers rave that a heart is brought to every session, that they felt appreciated, encouraged, and taken care of while sweating their booties off.