I started professionally Personal Training in 2002 but have been in the Health and Fitness industry for over 18 years. I have trained in Las Vegas, Hawaii, and San Diego. I am also Owner of Best Personal Trainer San Diego (www.bestpersonaltrainersandiego.com). I also am a web designer (www.webpro777.com) and am a very active Day Trader in the stock market.
Locations: Local Parks: Most classes held @ Chula Vista Rohr Park but also open to special request for training for your own group...family or friends anywhere! I promote Wellness Lifestyle which is the optimal level of mind, body, spirit, and emotion. My goal is to not only improve your level of fitness and nutrition but also your mental level of thinking and improve every area of your life. Best Boot Camp San Diego provides the best personal training to help create the energetic lives that people are destined to live. My goal is to add more vibrancy to an individuals lifestyle by incorporating a high level of fitness and education. I do whatever it takes to get your body to its peak performance and image. With my level of experience and knowledge I aim to help you define and reach your goals by every means possible. As a Life Coach and Master Trainer I try to provide the best proven techniques to my programs for ultimate results and enjoyable long lasting experiences. CALL ME! :-)