Internal medicine practitioners
Ulrich Berg MD
A persons mental health is just as important as their physical health. And just as we rely on doctors to help diagnose and treat medical symptoms and ailments, psychiatrists, like Dr. Berg, MD, treat the symptoms and disorders of the mind. Practicing in San Francisco, CA, Dr. Berg specializes in psychotherapy and helping his patients manage their medications. Talk therapy provides patients with a safe space to identify hardships in their life, overcome obstacles, and assist in setting and achieving their personal goals. Dr. Berg aids these patients in not only processing and working through past and current situations or traumas, but also to provide the tools and knowledge to cope and handle future stressors and issues. While Dr. Berg typically sees patients in an individual setting, he does offer couples and family sessions when needed. His practice also partners with patients who already see a talk therapist to help bridge the gap and prescribe medication, when necessary.