Graciela Pagano, PT is the founder of this unique, multidisciplinary Pediatric, and Adult therapy services. Where each child and their family, teen and adult are treated with respect an professionalism utilizing a state of the art treatment techniques achieving extraordinary healing results. Our facility is in the heart of Oakland (Piedmont Avenue), only a few minutes from Kaiser Permanente and Children's Hospital. Our clinic has a spacious gym, private treatment rooms, relaxing reception area, and physical therapy equipment such as Universal Exercise unit, LiteGait, parallel bars, treadmill and more.
BabyBuilders is a therapist owned practice that provides Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy for infants, children, teens and adults. Our therapists have expertise in evaluating and treating infants, children and young adults with Neuromuscular imbalance (Cerebral Palsy), congenital syndromes (Down Syndrome), developmental delays (premature), sensory deficits, orthopedics impairments and sport related injuries. Baby Builders has an infant development program that provides services to infant and toddlers in their natural environment through several Regional Centers. Since 2011, Baby Builders has been providing the Intensive Physical Therapy/Therasuit program. This therapy promotes, accelerates and maximizes the recovery of patients with cerebral palsy and neuromuscular involvement. We are a family-centered clinic dedicated to promote your child's independence, play skills and ability to carry-on activities at home, school and in the community.