In 2007, after finally achieving the house by the beach, the dream job, a family, and LOTS of money,(everything I had thought would bring me happiness), I realized I still felt the same as I always had...usually good but rarely fantastic. It was then that I truly understood that real happiness would only be possible if I, gained mastery over my own mind. I realized that many of the thoughts I believed created fear, anxiety,and struggle in my life . As long as I believed those type of thoughts and let them dictate my actions, I would be doomed! It was then that I began to discover and understand the difference between my own intuitive wisdom and all the other ramblings of the mind. I learned through the process that not only is there nothing to fear, but when I listen to the voice of my Soul and let that guide me, my life transforms in miraculous ways and I feel fulfilled, joyous and peaceful! :) In 2008 I began to teach what I had learned and opened the B-YOU-tiful Studio
B-YOU-tiful's approach is very practical and easy to understand. It breaks down big spiritual principals into yummy bite size pieces that enable true transformation to occur.