Coming from a scientific and engineering background, Arthur has dedicated a large part of his life to the study of Oriental Medicine, physiology and nutrition and how it relates to healing. Arthur passionately believes, and has demonstrated, that he can educate, inspire and empower his patients with tools they need to regain their vitality and health. His approach focuses on the dynamic interaction and balance between internal (mind, body and spirit) and external (physical, social, and environmental) factors that affect the total functioning and health of each person. He understands the complex interaction between the nervous, hormonal, immune, digestive, detoxification and barrier systems of the body. He seeks to unwind the tight web of causes and manifestations that are the result of faulty communication and disruption of balance in those systems.
20 years of experience in Acupuncture, Functional Medicine, Nutrition, Rehabilitation, Massage. We also incorporate advanced technology and new equipment such as Hyperbaric Therapy, HBOT, Normatech, Hypervolt. At Artupuncture Wellness Clinic we have been successful in treating over forty common disorders, such as: Musculoskeletal Disorders: Low back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulder, Carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, athletic performance issues and injuries. Rheumatic Disorders: Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, RA. Gastrointestinal Disorders: IBS, colitis, ulcers, GERD, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, food allergies, SIBO Endocrine Disorders: Diabetes, male & female hormonal problems, hypoglycemia, insulin resistance, thyroid problems. Gynecological Disorders: Menstrual problems, PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, infertility, menopause. Circulatory Disorders: Hypertension, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, irregular heart beat. Other: Depression, anxiety, insomnia, migraine, headache, neuropathy, PTSD, post-stroke paralysis, dizziness, hypothyroid.