Santa Cruz Family Acupuncture
Santa Cruz Family Acupuncture, led by award-winning acupuncturist Spring Smith, L.Ac, offers gentle and effective acupuncture treatments for the whole family. With over a dozen years of experience, Spring specializes in treating pain, injury, and internal medicine, utilizing the exceptional tools of Chinese medicine to provide life-changing treatments. From babies and children to professional athletes and great-grandparents, Santa Cruz Family Acupuncture caters to a wide range of health concerns, offering acupuncture, electro acupuncture, cupping therapy, gua sha, herbal formulas, and nutritional support. With a focus on reducing pain, increasing circulation, and promoting tissue regeneration, Santa Cruz Family Acupuncture specializes in treating conditions such as back pain, neck pain, sciatica, knee and shoulder issues, wrist pain, migraines, stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Recognized by the World Health Organization as an effective therapy, acupuncture at Santa Cruz Family Acupuncture offers natural relief and promotes overall well-being.Generated from the website