My civil engineering professional experience includes design and management of projects ranging in size and budget. While working in San Diego for a large firm for 5 years, I managed multimillion-dollar residential projects that built military housing for the US Navy. Recently, working in Napa, I enjoy consulting for individual clients building their dream home or modifying their existing residence.
I have 10 years of civil engineering experience in residential and commercial projects which enables me handle the technical challenges of your project. I can assist you through the life of your project from your idea and vision through construction completion. Specific consulting services include: Residential Developments -- Mapping (Tentative Maps and Final Maps) -- Grading Plans -- Drainage Plans -- Stormwater Design (SWPPP, BMPs, NPDES) -- Erosion Control Plans -- Sewer and Water Design -- Off-site and frontage improvement design -- Project Management Single-Family homes, expansions, and guest units -- Grading Plans -- Driveway Improvements -- Drainage Plans -- Sewer and Water Design -- Lot line surveys -- Frontage improvement design -- Project Management Commercial Developments -- Mapping -- Grading Plans -- Drainage Plans -- Sewer and Water Design -- Off-site and frontage improvement design -- Project Management