Anderson Elementary School, a Title 1 school situated near downtown Dixon, serves 514 students in kindergarten through the sixth grade. In August 2006, the Dixon Unified School District reorganized Anderson Elementary into a kindergarten through sixth-grade school. Two years later, the district merged Anderson Elementary with Silveyville Elementary.
Anderson Elementary has a number of bilingual students, predominately those who speak Spanish and English. Students are offered English-only and structured English immersion classes, which emphasize English language development and English language proficiency for all students.
The school employs a staff of 17 classroom teachers, two special education support staff members, two instructional assistants and four traffic-playground monitors. Other services and programs include a special education resource program, speech and language program, interventions support classes, a state-adopted core and intervention reading program for all students, a family support team and county mental/health services.
Anderson Elementary is a leading school district partner for Project A.S.P.I.R.E., which is an after-school learning center offering academic interventions, homework club and recreational activities for at-risk youth. This program was recognized with the National Civic Star Award in 2005.