Mark Istratoff's passion for touching and impacting other people's lives led him into the real estate business in the late 1980's. He has over 23 years experience in nearly every aspect of residential real estate sales and mortgage financing. Mark is the President and Founder of Americorp Financial and Realty Services established in 1991. He has focused on helping people with upside down mortgages for the past five years, and has become a Certified Short Sale Specialist. His team of Certified Distressed Property Experts are invaluable to their clients and in many cases are responsible for helping people avoid foreclosure, and put thousands of dollars in the pockets of distressed homeowners.
Americorp Financial & Realty Services is your reliable source for information on real estate and short sales for San Diego and Riverside Counties. With over 26% of San Diego homeowners underwater on their mortgages, we offer solutions that help sell homes and avoid foreclosure. Take advantage of the resources on our website to get answers to the most commonly asked questions about short sales and how they work. If you're currently upside down on your mortgage and are considering a short sale, contact Americorp Financial & Realty today to see if you qualify.The consultation is free of charge and there's no obligation. In addition to short sale information, we have resources for Military relocation, VA Loans, home buyers and sellers, including an MLS search engine for all San Diego and California listings, advice for first time home buyers, tips for home owners preparing to sell, as well as some great money saving ideas.