Our entire medical philosophy begins with an astonished appreciation for the sheer genius and wonder of human physiology within the even greater miracle and mystery of life itself. For us as scientists and physicians, the more we understand about the intricacies of how biological life functions, the more we are awed by the realization that (as Einstein said) we are touching the mind of God.
We specialize in Regenerative and Laser Medicine. Central to Regenerative Medicine's philosophy is the notion that the regenerative capacity of every tissue and organ is a wellspring of potential that can be tapped, stimulated, harnessed and directed to revitalize organs and return them to youthful and healthy functionality. This vital regenerative life force is found in its purest and most potent form in Placental/Umbilical Tissues/Biological Allografts (FDA: HCT/P - Stem Cells) therapies and thus an array of scientifically developed methods has evolved to support, nourish and stimulate your body's native stem cells, such as ozone therapy, mitochondrial medicine, adaptogens, telomerase amplifiers to name just a few. Laser Medicine employs an extensive array of state-of-the-art lasers to physiologically transform the various tissue that comprise your skin and treat a full spectrum of cosmetic and medical conditions. unique, customized, holistic protocols and state-of-the-art lasers have performed over 85,000 transformations of damaged, wrinkled, discolored, sagging and aging skin. Our advanced protocols such as the