Located in East Contra Costa County, Brentwood is a growing community just enough off the beaten path to maintain that well-loved small town feel; however, as part of the San Francisco Bay Area, residents are able to enjoy metropolitan amenities. Partners Amy Alvis and Marie Quashnock both love their community for exactly that combination, yet they feel it is important for those metropolitan amenities to be in their communities and not a drive away over the hill. The building of a law firm with a variety of legal services for our community is the first one of its kind in Brentwood. We understand that people like to do business where they live and that they like to be treated like their business is important. With our more recent relocation to historic downtown Brentwood, we have brought our business to the heart of our community.
Estate Planning and Probate; Real Estate; Business and Corporate; Family Law; Divorce Mediation;Landlord/Tenant: Patent, Trademark and Intellectual Property; Civil Litigation, Consumer Collections.