Physical Therapy - Restoration of previous level of function, range of motion and strength. Rehabilitation and education on the use of adaptive equipment. Education of patient/family/caregiver on home safety, ambulation and transfers. Establish a Home Exercise program. Occupational Therapy - Therapeutic exercises to promote independence on activities of daily living. Speech Therapy - Assist in the restoration of speech, language and the ability to communicate. Social Services - Deals with patient/family coping with illness. Educate patient/caregiver on community resources. Diet Consulting - Assist patients and their family to understand, accept, and follow dietary modifications ordered by the physician. Evaluate the dietary needs of patients. Home Health Aide - Assist patients with personal care. Assist with safe ambulation and transfer. Meal preparation and light housekeeping.
We are devoted to provide home health care without forfeiting quality or safety. Your satisfaction is our success. Our mission is to make a difference in promoting our clients' value of life by helping the, to achieve the optional potential of their human life needs. Alpha Home health is committed to deliver individualized and comprehensive care in the most cost-effective manner to home bound patients by teaming up with health team providers, families, and community agencies. Prevention and health education is the centerpiece of our mission. For this purpose, Alpha Home Health hopes to be an active part in an integrated organization that provides accessible, efficient and effective home health services. We will strive to improve the way our home health care services are delivered by maintaining a high quality system using recognized standards of home health care that is both appropriate and cost effective. We will continuously seek those avenues needed to improve home health care.