Treatment Methods: Inner Energy Meridian Diagnosis, Acupuncture, Moxibustion, Infared Cupping, Infrared Therapist, Radio Frequency Thermotherapy, and Personalized Herbal Medicine. Treatment Programs 1. Detoxification: Excess fluid, toxins, stagnant blood, etc. are accumulated in your body. The signs are fatigue, sluggishness, headache, stress, painful joints, weight problem, and more. 2. Pain Control: Blockage of proper energy circulation, cold invasion, and other factors in excess can cause pain. 3. Stress: Stress is the case of hundreds of diseases. Learn how to manage your stress and improve your health. 4. Internal Diseases: Asian Medicine can treat internal problems by harmonizing the inter-related organs. Moxibustion treatment has proven to be helpful in overcoming cancer and other internal conditions. 5. Diet: When your body becomes healthy, excess weight will be naturally lost Payment Type: We accept most insurances. Call now to set up your next appointment!