Compelled to advance children and have their vision materialized, 0.917 Academy opened in the spring of 2003 in Las Vegas NV. Since then, 0.917 Academy has expanded to new location and is continually growing.
Weekly Math, English, and Science worksheets from 2nd - 11th grade. We mail the worksheets on Math, English, and Science on a weekly basis to the parents. The parents then hand them to the child. We believe having parent involvement in issuing the worksheets and having the child complete the hard copies the conventional way promotes learning. Your child solves the worksheets sent to them (math problems, English vocab,reading comprehension, science) and then they go over it at our tutoring center. Bring your child to our tutoring center anytime on Friday (4 P.M to 7 P.M) and Saturday (12 P.M to 7 P.M). Our teachers will help each student one-to-one.