ASC was founded in 1968, made a commission of the City of Pine Bluff in 1971, and accredited with the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) in 2001. ASC presents programming in the visual arts, performing arts, and the sciences through exhibits, performances, classes, and local partnerships. Education programming occurs on and off site and area schools are encouraged to visit for free exhibition tours and hands-on activities. Classes are offered for children, youth, and adults with scholarships available. Gallery admission, hands-on programming, and school field trips are all free--thanks to sponsors, successful grant writing, and the generosity of the local community.
From the Executive Director: The Arts & Science Center is an intersection of arts, science, and performing arts--bringing people together for exhibitions, hands-on art and science activities, theater, and music--serving as a cultural gathering place for people who might, otherwise, never cross paths. Think of The Center as a magnet for creativity, critical thinking, and lifelong learning. Art exhibitions feature the work of Arkansas artists, art of the Delta, and art by African American artists. Community gathers to meet the artists at openings where ArtKrewe volunteers host receptions in the tradition of true Southern hospitality. Artists often give free art workshops during 2nd Saturday Family FunDays--exceptional opportunities to meet and learn from artists firsthand. Science exhibitions come to us through partnership in the Arkansas Discovery Network which is funded by the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. Science exhibitions are also free and 2nd Saturday Family FunDays alternate hands-on art and science for young and old. We provide a venue and activities that encourage inter-generational learning and play. Many of our science activities originate from the best science museums in the United States: San Francisco's Exploratorium, Science Museum of Minnesota, and Oregon's Museum of Science and Industry.