Pixel Perfect originally opened it's doors under the name Yikes! Interactive. In 2007, the company was renamed & re-focused its mostly design based efforts to specialize in what we call Digital Marketing. This is the idea that online marketing needs to support, enforce, and expand on your offline marketing efforts.
What makes us unique? Digital Marketing. Digital Marketing is the idea that your online/digital efforts should have the the same goals and considerations as your traditional marketing. Why would you want a website that didn't reinforce your brand, tie into your existing campaings or help you achieve your stratigic goals? Digital Marketing is the difference between making a website and making an online marketing tool. It sounds like a small distinction, but it's not. It means combining strategic thinking about your goals and objectives before the project begins. It means implimenting search engine optimization and social networking as part of your plan.It allows us to determine the best solution for your site / e-blast / banner ad / Ad words instead of just trying to put your logo on a website that has no theory other than to look pretty. We use every tool at our disposal to deliver a finished product to make you successful.