In the 1950s, a group of Union County citizens led by Judge Frank Hudson and Louis Hurley began plans to build a nursing home to serve the needs of senior citizens in the area. A Board of Directors was appointed and given the task of building Hudson Memorial Nursing Home as well as negotiating with the Rosedale Mennonite Board to provide personnel to staff our home. On January 3, 1960, a dedication service was held with nearly 500 people in attendance. The following morning, Mr. Julius Meek became the first resident admitted to our modern, 60-bed facility. In 1971, an addition was built with 50 beds, a new laundry room, a beauty shop, an activity room and a storage area. By January 2010, 50 years after our grand opening, Hudson Memorial Nursing Home served as a home for over 1,700 residents. Today, we continue to provide excellent nursing care and jobs for approximately 140 employees.
Serving our patients' needs is not an interruption of our work, but rather the very purpose of it. We understand you may come to us during a difficult time. Hudson Memorial Nursing Home offers comfort in a home-like setting and services aimed at improving your overall quality of life. What sets us apart is the collaborative effort put forth by the community, our employees and the residents. Together we've built a strong and supportive family.