Yuma Jazz Company, based in Yuma, AZ, is a renowned jazz ensemble known for their captivating performances and original compositions. Led by trumpeter and composer Steven Hennig, the group has released several albums, including their latest releases "Tequila and a Plan" and "Serenity," which showcase their unique blend of Latin, funk, fusion, and ballad styles. With a focus on group improvisation and a commitment to recording live in the studio, Yuma Jazz Company delivers an authentic and dynamic jazz experience.
Featuring a talented lineup of musicians including guitarist Jason Arviso, bassist Leo Papo Neblina, and percussionist Brandon Coz, Yuma Jazz Company's albums are a testament to their exceptional musicianship and dedication to their craft. Their music has garnered international acclaim, and their albums can be purchased on iTunes. Whether you're a jazz enthusiast or simply looking for a captivating musical experience, Yuma Jazz Company is sure to impress with their soulful and vibrant performances.
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