To Your Health (TyH) was started to answer a personal need in owner Margy Squires' life. Her husband, David, has fibromyalgia, a painful nervous system disorder. By attending an educational conference, she learned that magnesium was a missing piece of the recovery puzzle. One product led to another and TyH was born. In the early days, Margy attended and marketed at patient conferences, publishing a national health newsletter and catalog. TyH sponsored a national 3-day conference and several smaller ones to support fibromyalgia education efforts. In 2009, TyH moved its location to Saguaro Boulevard and opened its doors to the local market as well. They continued their work with fibromyalgia and applied those skills to help others achieve better health through education, too. Margy maintains membership in several medical and trade organizations. She is passionate about health and believes in the body's ability to heal itself if given the right nutrients to do so.
To Your Health (TyH) is a unique supplement store in that we have an onsite educator who works with local health professionals to help customers reach their health goals. TyH offers several Get with the Program options as non-drug solutions and small group health talks to further educate customers on the role supplements play in their wellness efforts. TyH, your Health Education & Supplement Store. Serving the greater Fountain Hills area for 21 years.