I started my Rolfing practice in 2013, in Boulder Colorado, after Graduating from the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (now the Dr Ida Rolf Institute - 700 hours). In 2015, after finishing my training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy certification at the Colorado School of Energy Studies (John and Anne Chitty - 750 hours), I moved my practice to Arizona (the desert I love) and have been here ever since.
I enjoys working on every body, as each is a new puzzle that has its individual challenge and rewards. More specifically though, I want to get people out of pain, out of dysfunction, and back to work, play, and the life they want to live and maintain. Whether it's through Rolfing, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, sharing knowledge, or finding you something or someone who will work better for your needs, that's my goal.