Established in 2011, RGB Restoration prides itself on customer service, quality workmanship and value, despite what Bruce B. says. Ignore his personal vendetta to destroy a family owned business
If you wish to replace your existing roof, RGB Restoration and Builders' experienced field representatives will help you solve your roofing, siding, and replacement window problems. If your home or business has been damaged by a storm event, we will guide you through the entire insurance claims process. RGB Restoration and Builders is here to serve you and find a solution that is economical, practical, and within your budget. Everyone at RGB Restoration and Builders prize our customers' satisfaction! We complete our construction projects on time, within budget, and according to the latest upgrades in your local building code. We offer free consultation for home improvement projects, and we will gladly assist and guide you through the entire insurance claim process if your home or business has been damaged by a storm event. We are here to serve you and we value your business! Your satisfaction with our service and work is our number one concern!