Permar Physical Therapy in Prescott, AZ is a unique physical therapy clinic that offers personalized one-on-one treatment with a Doctor of Physical Therapy during every visit. With a focus on manual therapy, pain management, and whole body strength and mobility programs, their goal is to address specific needs and tailor treatment programs to each individual. Whether it's providing pain relief or helping clients get back in shape, Permar Physical Therapy is dedicated to helping people live an active and pain-free lifestyle.
Led by Dr. Gage Permar, a Doctor of Physical Therapy and certified clinical specialist in orthopedics, the team at Permar Physical Therapy utilizes various techniques such as joint manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, dry needling, and manual stretching to alleviate pain symptoms. Their approach is centered around eliminating or reducing symptoms to a level that allows clients to function and participate in activities they enjoy. With shorter treatment durations compared to traditional physical therapy clinics, Permar Physical Therapy aims to get people better faster and offers fitness packages for those looking to improve their overall health and fitness levels.
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