Phoenix Interior Decorating, L.L.C. opened in June of 2014. In January of 2016 I started to do business as Luxury Interior Decorating. I have a high standard when it comes to decorating your home. I always have everything approved by you before I get started and make sure everything is how you expect it to be. I do not do business like other large interior design firms, I take things to a more personal level. I conduct my business based on your likes and dislikes, and really take into account your ideas, concerns and thoughts throughout the whole process. I'm here to help you with your projects, you do not have to spend a fortune to have an incredible look. Whatever your budget is I will make certain it is not exceeded. I am here to make you a happy home owner, not a broke home owner.
Most all the work I do for my clients is all done through messaging and phone calls. I started doing business this way when I had a client living in another state and was transitioning a condo into a vacation rental. I did everything based off of pictures and a floor plan. All of the stagings I have done have been this way as well. I found doing work remotely has benefits for both myself and my clients. Not only can I do work at any time of the day, but this keeps my service fees lower that works well for my clients on a budget. Send me an email to find out more at luxuryinteriordecorating@gmail.com