Three Needles Acupuncture was established to provide care for those that seek improvement in quality of life through Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupunture, herbs, moxa, cupping, etc). Various health concerns that are addressed: palliative cancer care, pain management, stress/anxiety, digestive disorders and much more. The business is founded on addressing the root of your health concerns through a comprehensive consultation and individualized treatment plan. All facets of lifestyle are addressed to create a strong foundation for health and wellness. Please visit our webpage for additional services information: www.threeneedles.com
Kari-Ann Hubbard, LAc, MSOM is a board certified acupuncturist and herbalist focusing on women's reproductive health such as fertility, PCOS, endometriosis, hormone balancing, uterine fibroids, prenatal and postpartum care as well as pain management and palliative cancer care.