Goodruby Christian Bookstore has been around since 2015. In 2018, Ken & Cheryl Locklin purchased the store to continue the ministry. We look forward to many years of getting to know Casa Grande and Pinal county as the only Christian bookstore in the county!
The Goodruby Christian Bookstore is the only Christian bookstore in Pinal county, and we are here to serve you. New owners, Ken & Cheryl Locklin, re-opened the store on July 17th and are eager to meet you! We have new inventory, a kid room, and your favorites from before. When you stop in, be sure to look around - we've rearranged, and we're constantly adding new things. If you can't find what you are looking for, let us know! We can help you find it, or we can give you a call when it comes in. God bless!