ine Art For Bodies started based on the philosophy that the body is the ultimate canvas, to be embellished, complimented with every stroke, and above all respected, and that tattooing could be MORE than it was. In reaction to the horrible tattoos I was seeing around Phoenix as a youth, and the things that I would be told about the limits of the medium when trying to get an apprenticeship, I decided that it would be up to me to push the envelope of both the artwork and the medium. As soon as I started to push, I realized that I was not alone, and I am NOT by far on the cutting edge of anything. It was at first a very humbling experience, and then a very galvanizing one: I am NOT the only one, there are legions of my elders and betters that have had the same idea. So rather than discouraging me, it made me realize: must be a good one.
Fine Art For Bodies: Premium Custom Tattoos Sacred Geometry | Mandalas | Dotwork | Blackwork | Paisley | Lace |Japanese | Fine Art & Watercolor Tattoos