Binoculars and telescopes, Electronic circuits, Electric power systems contractors
Power Quality Pro LLC
Power Quality Professionals is experienced in AC and DC uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems, ranging from 500 VA to 1,000k VA power supplies. We support inverter, and converter systems for stationary power application, even to the determining battery sizing for the desired back-up run time if and when utility power fails.Between the principals, our approved electrical engineering and our technical network, we have over 75 years of power quality and power conditioning experience. With a strong support channel, we deliver a proven solution to your power back-up, power distribution, and power monitoring needs.We are trained and certified in UPS and standby products with APC by Schneider Electric, Clary, Eaton Powerware, Liebert, and Mitsubishi Electric. Technicians we deploy have no less than 20 years field experience.Our factory selection is known for their long term commitment in providing parts and service support years after the UPS has been purchased and installed. We offer factory direct field service contracts and annual to quarterly preventative maintenance programs.We are dedicated to supporting any mission critical application in your real estate. We are the Authorized Channel Partners with Mitsubishi Electric, Vycon Energy, and Method Electronics.Industries we supportData CentersEducational InstitutionsFinancial and Banking InstitutionsHealthCare and Medical EquipmentMiningPetroleumPrivate & Public SectorUtilities, Gas & ElectricTelecommunication & Cable IndustriesWirelessPower Quality Professionals provides solid and proven products and service solutions for todays data protection requirements and applications.