Founded in 2015 CHS BJJ broke away from the McDojo's and strip mall martial arts to establish the most difficult BJJ school in the East Valley. The standards we hold here carry off the well off the mats. Outreach programs, fundraisers, and discipline have already helped us expand into a location twice the size.
Courage Honor Strength Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the most comprehensive BJJ martial arts gym in the East Valley. No other school offers seasonal training, (Gi or Uniform during Fall, Winter, Spring and NoGi or Street Clothes during the summer) Striking for BJJ, and the application of leg locks all with the focus being on self-defense. Kids are being taught how to defend themselves and are learning serious life protecting techniques therefore we teach with a certain type of vocal passion. Adults are able to receive the benefits of stress relief, physical fitness, and increased flexibility all while learning all aspects of BJJ.