Baja Bush Pilots is a renowned aviation organization based in Chandler, AZ, offering a range of flying adventures and guided trips in Mexico, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Canada, and Central America. With a strong emphasis on safety and communication, they provide valuable resources such as VFR charts, navigation assistance, and updates on entry and departure procedures. Their membership benefits include access to a member forum, airport preservation initiatives, and humanitarian support.
Additionally, Baja Bush Pilots offers an extensive store with aviation essentials, including their popular BBP Adventure Kit, which includes the latest edition of Airports of Mexico, a border crossing card, a cheat sheet, a BBP cap, and a one-year membership. They also provide a wide range of merchandise, including t-shirts, caps, and their signature Khaki Denim BBP button-down shirt. With their commitment to providing valuable information and resources, Baja Bush Pilots is a trusted companion for aviation enthusiasts exploring the skies of Mexico and beyond.
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