Time and again, we have witnessed the plight and heard the story of the working family who desperately wants and needs help, but is unable to obtain in-home services. Most family insurance plans will cover in-office therapy and psychiatric visits. Unfortunately, when in-office therapy and psychiatric treatments are not enough, many families are referred to a higher level of care or hospitalization before trying any in-home stabilization methods. That is unacceptable!
We're Here To Help We offer unique, in-home services for children and their families. We use proven, established methods to meet the needs of families that are struggling and in danger of being disrupted further. Expert Behavioral Management We provide assistance in-home or on-location by first developing a thorough assessment of the family's culture, strengths, and needs. In collaboration with the child and their family, we then develop and implement behavior management techniques and behavior planning tools. In the case of explosive behavior, elements of structure and safety are strengthened and families are shown how to utilize both professional and existing community resources and supports. Parent Empowerment With these new skills, parents are better able to manage and navigate safely and effectively through maturational or situational crises with their child. Parents gain the tools and the confidence to handle future behavioral issues with success.