Pannone Engineering Services, LLC (PES) is a privately owned company that was founded in February of 1991. PES specializes in the design, testing and installation of on-site water and waste water systems. PES perform's engineering designs, analysis and evaluations of water and waste water systems throughout the state of Alaska. The types of systems have ranged from small single-family residential wells and septic systems (COSA) to large commercial systems serving greater than 100 people daily. Mr. Pannone is a registered Civil Engineer specializing in the planning, design and construction of sanitation facilities. He is a lifelong Alaskan with more than 30 years of engineering and construction experience. Mr. Pannone's background includes experience in survey, design, construction, testing, and monitoring of engineered projects. He has worked all over the state of Alaska, including extensive time in the arctic and remote regions. He takes a practical approach to design, taking into
Pannone Engineering Services specializes in civil engineering, structural engineering, environmental engineering, sanitary surveying, mold inspections, as-built surveying, planning, and construction phase services through the use of known sub-consultants. We also specialize in the design, testing and installation of on-site water and wastewater systems, the types of systems have ranged from small single-family residential wells and septic systems to large commercial systems serving greater than 1000 people daily. We specialize in residential and light commercial structural design, renovation design and repair design