Sanctioned by local voters in 1973, Anchorage's Public Transportation People Mover bus system began operation on July 1, 1974, carrying 39,505 passengers in the first month of service. In 2008, it set a new annual record of 4,220,677 trips, with an average weekday ridership of 14,297. People Mover maintains a fleet of 55 modern, comfortable, fully accessible, ADA compliant buses that travel over two million miles a year. Friendly, courteous and professional bus operators serve the greater Anchorage and Eagle River areas with 14 regular transit routes. The department offers a number of transportation programs to improve mobility and access to our community including: AnchorRIDES, a complementary shared ride service for seniors age 60 and over, people whose disabilities prevent them from using the fixed route (People Mover) and other coordinated transportation; Connect, provides limited weekday service for the general public in conjunction with eligible ADA paratransit riders; Shar
The municipality's goal is to meet the public transportation needs of Anchorage residents & visitors in a safe & efficient manner.